Split-Back 1 Inch ITW NEXUS Buckles – Pair


Sold as a set of 2 buckles.

Works well for the JPC 2.0 and any other carriers that do not already include buckles to attach Swift Clip compatible Placards and Chest Rigs.

Can be used for placards that include loops on the left and right sides to set up a “Micro Rig,” such as the Mayflower Modified Gen IV Placard, Spiritus Systems MK4 or MK5, and Spiritus Systems LV Placard – or just a set of field-reparable 1 inch buckles.

Note: 4 buckles are required with a compatible placard to use it as a “Micro Chest Rig.” Not all Placards are capable of this setup.

Sold as a set of 2 buckles.

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Black, Coyote